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Status Future consideration
Workspace Instana
Categories MQ Sensor
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 2, 2023

Add 'Job Name' to MFT metrics

File transfers are tracked using their 'Transfer ID' in Instana, but this transfer ID is a random string. Our customer creates file transfers with a specific job name, and he needs the transfers to be identified in Instana using their job name. So, we need to have this metric added to the 'IBM MQ MFT Transfer' and 'IBM MQ MFT Coordination Queue Manager' dashboards, and optionally also the 'IBM MQ MFT Agent' dashboard.

Here's an example of what we are seeing in the log file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><transaction version="6.00" ID="414d51204d4654352020202020202020c0e12365b774e224" agentRole="sourceAgent" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="TransferLog.xsd" xmlns=""><action time="2023-11-02T08:44:22.664Z">progress</action><sourceAgent agent="SRCAGENT" QMgr="MFT5" agentType="STANDARD"><systemInfo architecture="amd64" name="Linux" version="3.10.0-1160.88.1.el7.x86_64"/></sourceAgent><destinationAgent agent="DESTAGENT" QMgr="MFT5" agentType="STANDARD"><systemInfo architecture="amd64" name="Linux" version="3.10.0-1160.88.1.el7.x86_64"/></destinationAgent><originator><hostName></hostName><userID>mqm</userID><mqmdUserID>mqm</mqmdUserID></originator><transferSet index="0" size="1" startTime="2023-11-02T08:44:22.529Z" total="1" bytesSent="0"><item mode="binary"><source disposition="leave" type="file"><file size="154" last-modified="2023-07-28T09:50:45.020Z">/var/mqm/mft5.txt</file><checksum method="MD5">29f3cd72ffd1a5862956d9d7f68e0366</checksum></source><destination exist="overwrite" type="file"><file size="-1">/tmps/mft5.txt</file></destination><status resultCode="1"><supplement>BFGTR0072E: The transfer failed to complete due to the exception : BFGIO0007E: Unable to create directory &quot;/tmps&quot; for new file &quot;mft5.txt&quot;.</supplement></status></item></transferSet><job><name>FT000001</name></job></transaction>

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Idea priority High
  • Guest
    Dec 4, 2023

    Please also add 'Source agent hostname' and 'Destination agent hostname' to the the MFT transfers, as well as the 'End time' of the transfer

  • Guest
    Nov 22, 2023

    Please also add the source and destination QMgr to the file transfers

  • Guest
    Nov 6, 2023

    At this stage we display from the instances and the individual runs, but grouping from a Job Name perspective would improve usability. These individual transfer ID are nice, but not anything persistent. Whereas a job name is continuously available and great for tracking performance over time.